Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Make Diciples Like Rick Warren Does

If you don't know who Rick Warren is please come back to planet Earth.
If you're sick of hearing about Rick Warren please leave planet Earth.
I've learned to take very seriously anything Rick says; he oozes out wisdom in the simplest of terms. He is on my "have dinner with before dying" list. Check this out.
Your church, your ministry, your family, can boost it's disciple-making impact Rick Warren style. Everything he, and his church, does tries to answer these next questions:

*1. Are people learning the content and meaning of the Bible?
*2. Are people seeing themselves, life, and other people more clearly from God's perspective?
*3. Are people's values becoming more aligned with God's values?
*4. Are people becoming more skilled in serving God?
*5. Are people becoming more like Christ?

That's it. Now you, and your team/family, can make disciples like Rick, and Jesus.
It's that simple. Not that easy, but that simple.

*from "Help People Develop Spiritual Growth Habits" by Pastor Rick Warren)

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