Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Radicalis Session 2 - Perry Noble

"First, Rick Warren, then Andy 'freakin' Stanley...Why am I here?!" (I love Perry)

"I, at about 230lbs., was running from a 6lbs. goose! Why would I run from a goose? Then later it hit me, we have the same problem in our churches; we're running from geese when we have the Holy Spirit!"

Acts 26:15-17 - Radical Devotion

1.  Radical devotion begins with an accurate view of Jesus (v.15)

2.  Radical devotion calls us to action (v.16a)

"When the alarm goes off, you've got to do something about it."

3.  Radical devotion will impact me personally (v.16b)

4.  Radical devotion will lead to the supernatural (v.17)

"If you're going through hell right now, it could be that Hell is scared of what you're about to do."

"If it's God's will, then it's God's bill!"

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