Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Most Clicked Tweets

Just in case you missed the opportunity but wanted to check out the links when you had some more time, here are my latest Top 5 Most Clicked Tweets:

  1. I am loving our new church management system. It's web-based, secure, simple, cost-effective & empowering. Check them out! http://ow.ly/I41U (32 clicks)
  2. If you're looking to ruin your marriage now or in the future don't read this from @perrynoble - http://ow.ly/J1Xj (22 clicks)
  3. Want to know what the Jewish Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is all about? Expiation - http://ow.ly/Ji07 (16 clicks)
  4. his is for @zacjs8, I found my new favorite-better-than-El-Sabrosito-authentic-mexican-food-right-on-my-block taco stand! http://ow.ly/Jkbv (12 clicks)
  5. Asking the wrong questions can lead you in the wrong direction, so, ask the right questions - http://ow.ly/J21h (11 clicks)
Twitter is more than just a place to reveal that "you're going to the bathroom and the cat is starring at me" throughout the day. It's about sharing great content too.

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